An environment that makes dreams a reality〜What is the ~Empire League~?

The Empire League is an independent league that began in 2015. This year marks the seventh year since the start of the program, and the number of teams belonging to the program will increase from four to six. It is a professional baseball centered in New York.It is called the Showcase League The Showcase League is a league where people pay you to play and say, "Please watch me. If I play well, let me play in a higher league." If you like what you see, please let me play in a higher league. In extreme cases, the objective is not to win a championship, but only to join the Frontier League, Atlantic League, or a major affiliate of a higher league. Because the Empire League is a showcase league, not a Major League Baseball Partners League, participation does not guarantee survival for one season. However, if you do not participate, the door to the Major Leagues of your dreams will not open.

The Empire League Team Formation Intentions
The Empire League will begin the 2023 season with a six-team organization. Each team will consist of local players from each of the six teams plus 3-4 Japanese players. Although you will not suddenly be the only Japanese, Japanese assigned to you will be in different positions, so you will inevitably have to communicate more with the local players. Since the language will be English, you will gradually be able to speak with native pronunciation. Food is also different from that in Japan, so get used to the local taste and quantity.

A different culture from Japan is one of the stimulating factors. Of course, the same is true for local players. They will be interested in Japanese culture and will want to interact with you. Because we are from different cultures, we can absorb a lot from each other. By doing so, you will also develop a mindset that allows you to sit back in the field and focus on baseball.

Photo: Team formed exclusively by Japanese for the 2022 season

Composition of the independent league teams entering this year's competition

Starting with the 2023 season, the Empire League team structure will be
It will be a mixture of Japanese + American local players!

Photo: Team formed exclusively by Japanese for the 2022 season